Jan 22, 2018
Welcome to Case & Crate.
This modular product line offers a simple and quick solution to creating a wine display filled with Bins or Lockers. Modular by design, these products can be integrated into any custom wine cellar. Here's how:
Step 1: Select a height
Short or Tall, your choice. Tall kits simply combine two base units using a supplied coupler making installation a breeze.
Short (48+ bottles) | Tall (96+ bottles) |
Step 2: Pick your style
Secure Lockers or open Bins, your choice based on preference and need.
- Learn how lockers drive customer loyalty at restaurants
Bin configuration | Locker configuration |
Step 3: Up the Bottle Count
Select one of several kits that include Extension units to meet any bottle capacity need.
96-Bottle Short Kit (Bin or Locker) | 144-Bottle Short Kit (Bin or Locker) | 192-Bottle Short Kit (Bin or Locker) |
192-Bottle Tall Kit (Bin or Locker) | 288-Bottle Tall Kit (Bin or Locker) | 384-Bottle Tall Kit (Bin or Locker) |
Step 4: Accessorize
Consider more than just bottle count and height. The accessory line of Case & Crate allows for more options to customize the look of your home or restaurant's wine cellar design.
Syrah Shelves | Locks | X-Bin Inserts | Namplates |
Step 5: Design away
Use our complimentary design services to integrate Case & Crate products into wine cellars with other design-forward options such as our Wall Series or Grain + Rod lines.
Step 6: Join more wine clubs.
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