Jan 4, 2019

We get asked about the chic, stylish Vino Pins metal wine peg system often. It happens when it's the product that anchors the wine wall on the cover of the 2018 catalog.
We were thrilled to find out that we're not the only ones barraged by Vino Pins questions. Our wine pegs were one of the 20 most asked about products by readers of Kitchen & Bath Design News in 2018. "Vino Pins are a modern way to display wine bottles using a simple peg system," says KBDN.
"A lot of thought goes into selecting products for any kitchen or bath project," the article reads. "...designers rely on Kitchen & Bath Design News to find out about those products.
The list of talked about products, published in the December 2018 issue, includes other beautiful kitchen and bath upgrades such as a Hafele America Co. cabinet organizing system, artistic glass countertops by ThinkGlass, and customizable stainless steel counters by SpecialtyStainless.com.
It's a really cool list of things we need in our home. Now lets open a good bottle of wine.