Oct 23, 2017

Continuing Education Courses (CEUs) are a great resource for architects and interior designers to learn about crucial topics and emerging trends. And we know many positions in the design and building trade require a certain number of CEUs to maintain status. With the clock winding down on 2018, we present 5 stylish CEU topics to help you reach your 2017 goals, all while learning about cool topics such as LED display walls, modern wine cellar design, eco-friendly economics, spa baths, and specialty acrylic. All are available for free to registered members of AEC Daily.
CEU COURSE: LED Display Walls: Performance Characteristics & Advantages

Provides an overview of display walls using LED technology, with discussions of the components, performance, lifespan, and energy benefits of LED tiles. Basically, it'll give you the goods on using some sweet technology to brighten up any number of commercial or residential projects. Take the Course
CEU COURSE: Modern Wine Storage and Display Systems
Wine is a critical element of entertaining and culinary experiences, and modern wine cellars help make bottle collections part of engaging, artistic focal points in restaurants and homes throughout the world. This course focuses on the evolution of the wine cellar, from refrigeration to modern materials and display systems. It defines passive and active (cooled) storage, and identifies key considerations when building a wine cellar. Take the Course
This course is also offered in person. See if it's coming to a city near you.
CEU COURSE: The Purpose and Meaning of Spa Bathrooms
The current popularity of designing bathrooms as luxurious “spas” has created a stylistic shorthand of minimalism, natural materials, neutral palettes, and luxury fixtures.. However, this popularity is driven by deeper and more persistent influences than fashion or self-indulgence. This course will discuss the shift in bathroom design from places of cleansing to places of rejuvenation, how the current trend towards luxurious minimalism relates to prevailing social change, and how designers can apply this insight to their projects. Take the Course
CEU COURSE: Economics of Green Building
This LEED® Specific course provides an overview of the economics of LEED® green building design and includes discussions on economic, environmental and social impacts; market conditions, legislative pressures and consumer demand; and, tools and strategies to assess costs and benefits, ROI and simple payback. Take the Course
CEU COURSE: Acrylic Specialty Products — Inspirational Design Solutions
Provides an overview of the manufacturing processes, features, and benefits of specialty acrylic products that afford architects and designers unique and inspiring design solutions for a wide variety of applications. Take the Course
Want VintageView to take its Cabernet & Credit event series (showcasing the Modern Wine Cellar Design course) to your city in 2018? Let us know!
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